Writer Apurva Anitya on her audio series Sherdil, journey, passion for writing and more

In an era where stories find new dimensions, audio series have emerged as a game-changer, captivating audiences across the globe, and Pocket FM is at the forefront of this. We recently got in touch with writer Apurva Anitya, who has written the audio series Sherdil for Pocket FM. A married professional from MP, Apurva opened up about her journey, life, writing for audio series, her association with Pocket FM and more.

Q1: Tell us something about your background, life, and your journey as a writer on Pocket FM?

Apurva: I come from a small town in Madhya Pradesh and have been passionate about writing since my childhood. I used to participate in various writing competitions during school and even represented my school at state-level events. I’ve always had a strong inclination towards literature and spent a lot of time reading and researching. However, there came a phase when I became disheartened, comparing myself to better authors. During the lockdown when I had no job, I started writing again to pass the time. I posted my stories on social media as a distraction, and to my surprise, people loved them. This encouragement fueled my determination to write more consistently. Despite having a background in commerce and holding an M.A. in economics, my love for literature and writing persisted. Professionally, I’ve written for magazines, worked on editing and translations for several publications. My journey with Pocket FM began when I came across their platform. Pocket FM’s unique audio approach intrigued me, and as I embraced this creative outlet, it transformed my life.

Q2: Could you provide an overview of the storyline in Sherdil?

Apurva: Sherdil is a captivating audio series that drew its inception from a simple idea – a man leaving his job. However, what sets it apart is the intricate web of diverse characters and unexpected twists. The story doesn’t follow a single path; it keeps evolving, keeping listeners engaged and invested. What truly makes Sherdil special is its relatable characters and the absence of larger-than-life personas. This absence of monotony makes it an immersive experience that transports listeners to a world of its own. The storyline is realistic and filled with twists that can completely alter the course of events.

Q3: What inspired you to create Sherdil as an audio series on Pocket FM?

Apurva: The idea for Sherdil came from brainstorming. It started with a simple thought – a man leaving his job – and I built a whole world around that. I’ve always loved movies and stories, so the idea of telling stories through audio series really interested me. Pocket FM was the perfect place to share this idea. When I found out about Pocket FM, I knew it was where I could share my passion for telling stories in a fun and interesting way.

Q4: How did you approach the process of crafting the characters in Sherdil? Are any of them based on real-life individuals or experiences?

Apurva: Creating characters for Sherdil took a lot of careful thinking. I wanted them to feel like real people and be different from each other. Even though none of the characters are based on real people I know, I got inspiration from things people go through. I made them feel like people you could meet in real life, not like superheroes. The goal was to tell a story that you could really connect with. Over time, I’ve learned that the best characters are the ones that feel like real people, even if they’re not exactly like anyone we know.

Q5: How has your family, in-laws, and husband supported you in this journey?

Apurva: I’m lucky to have a family, in-laws, and husband who support me a lot. At first, they didn’t fully understand what I was doing with Pocket FM – they thought it was more about translating and editing. But as they saw how much I loved it, they became more and more supportive. Even my in-laws liked the idea because my work didn’t mess up my daily routine. My husband is really proud of what I’ve done. Now that it’s just me and my husband, we support each other a lot, which helps me do what I love, writing.

Q6: How do you balance personal life and professional life? Also, who do you credit your success to?

Apurva: Balancing my personal life with my writing life has been a journey. It’s not always easy, but having a husband who supports me and a family who understands makes it possible. My husband and I have similar interests, so we encourage each other. In terms of success, I attribute it to my family, in-laws, husband and of course Pocket FM who gave me the opportunity to live my dream.

Q7: What has been the most rewarding aspect of creating Sherdil?

Apurva: The most rewarding aspect of creating Sherdil has been witnessing the impact it has on listeners. Connecting with people through storytelling and being able to transport them to another world is truly fulfilling. The positive feedback and recognition I’ve received have given me a deep sense of accomplishment. Additionally, Sherdil and Pocket FM has allowed me to discover a newfound confidence and live out my dream of being a recognized writer.

Q8: Lastly, how has your association with Pocket FM been?

Apurva: My association with Pocket FM has been transformative. The platform has provided me with a unique canvas to express my creativity and share my stories with a wide audience. It’s given me the recognition I never imagined and boosted my confidence as a writer. Whenever my episodes are uploaded, I feel like a star, and Pocket FM has truly awakened a new level of confidence and joy within me. It’s a dream come true, and I’m immensely grateful for this wonderful journey.

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