Kajol thanks Ace Photographer Avinash Gowariker for Powerful Black and White Photoshoot, An ode to the legendary Gautam Rajadhyaksha

Bollywood actress Kajol’s recent photoshoot, captured by the talented photographer Avinash Gowariker, has garnered immense praise from fans worldwide. Known for her iconic presence, Kajol collaborated with Gowariker for this monochrome shoot, which she shared on her Instagram. The black and white images have captivated viewers. She also dedicated this session as an homage to the legendary Gautam Rajadhyaksha.

In her Instagram post, Kajol wrote, “Somehow black and white have this ghostly power over you.. all you can see is how right it looks. This session was shot off hand in the middle of another shoot and the feel behind it is an ode to #gautamrajyadaksha. Thank u @avigowariker for this lovely memory. #happyhalloween #ghostlyfeels #powerful night

Avinash Gowariker, reposting Kajol’s post, showered praise on her timeless beauty and grace, while also acknowledging Gautam Rajadhyaksha’s influence on his own journey to becoming one of the industry’s finest photographers. He expressed his gratitude on Instagram, saying, Kajol you are forever gorgeous. Your caption is an absolute honour for me…. Gautam is one of the main reasons as to why I’m a photographer today……🙏”

Known for his frequent collaborations with A-list celebrities, Avinash Gowariker continues to surprise. With his jam packed schedules and back to back shoots, fans can only await more surprises coming their way


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