“In Conversation: Yash Birla and Actress Ameesha Patel Emphasize the Relevance of ‘The Soul Science’ in Today’s Era”

Birla Open Minds Education Pvt Ltd, a leading educational institution catering to children’s learning needs from early childhood to K–12 schooling, recently hosted a conversation titled “The Soul Science.” The discussion featured Mr. Yash Birla, Chairman of Birla Open Minds Education Pvt Ltd, and renowned actress Ms. Ameesha Patel, where they shared personal insights on the importance of inner connection for youth.

Ameesha Patel shared her spiritual journey, stating, “I connected to my spirituality in my early days as I faced anxiety during my school years. The pressure to excel in exams and the expectations of my family weighed heavily on me. As an actor, the constant judgement and competition to be the best further fueled my anxiety. I turned to spirituality, reading books and reflecting on my learnings, which helped me navigate life’s challenges. Today’s youth has lost touch with their inner selves, but it’s crucial for them to reconnect, as every experience holds valuable lessons.”

Yash Birla shared his insights on spirituality, commenting, “Spirituality can take various forms, much like music, which can bring us closer to divine energy. Connecting with ourselves brings stability, especially in today’s fast-paced life. Amidst constant competition, mindfulness is essential. I prioritize taking time to connect with myself, which sustains me in today’s hectic world.” Additionally, Ameesha enlightened us on how she faced anxiety in her early days while dealing with competition in today’s world. Hence, we, along with multiple experts from different sectors, curated the subject of Soul Science is our internally developed subject which is also mandatory and graded across all our 200+ schools.

The conversation shed light on the importance of spirituality in fostering inner peace and resilience, especially in the context of today’s competitive world join in for more such conversation on different aspect of life with Birla Open Minds Education Pvt Ltd remains that nurtures not just academic excellence but also inner growth and self-awareness among students.


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